Forests of the West cover about 365 million acres—49% of the nation’s total forested area—and are managed by a diversity of owners. The issues facing western forests—wildfire, invasive species, changing ownership patterns and markets, fragmentation, and climate change—affect all lands and all people.
The Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC), a state and federal partnership, commissioned an analysis of all western Forest Action Plans. The report (available here) contains detailed findings, trends, and opportunities relevant to western and pacific island forests and people. A summary report (available here) seeks to capitalize upon the priority issues, strategies, and landscapes identified.
Sustain a viable, diverse forest products industry that supports private forest ownership and resource management and restoration on all lands.
Working with Wildland Fire: The condition of our nation’s public and private forest lands is a significant contributor to risks associated with wildfire, particularly in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) where critical infrastructure and resources are at stake. While effective interagency efforts have taken place over the past decades, significant risks remain. Continued efforts to restore and maintain resilient landscapes, promote fire‐adapted communities, and effectively respond to wildfires are needed.
Effectively prepare for, prevent, and respond to wildfire; safeguard communities; and control pests, diseases, and invasive species.
Improving Economic and Forest Health: Working forests produce social benefits and give landowners the ability to protect, conserve, and enhance resource values. Legal and regulatory barriers, lack of financial resources and industry infrastructure, and development pressures often get in the way of sustainable forest management. Opportunities that support active forest management and a diverse forest products industry are critical to western forests, communities, and economies.
Manage trees and forests in rural and urban environments to sustain and restore our ecological systems, and help to mitigate climate change.
Restoring Resilient Landscapes: Overly‐dense, even-age forests are susceptible to both native and non‐native insect and disease invasions, to extreme weather events, and to catastrophic fire. Impacts to communities, watersheds, airsheds, wildlife habitats, old-growth forests, and recreation areas are of concern across the West, as is the spread of insects, disease, and invasive plants within and across state lines. Interagency and interstate collaboration are critical to restoration and forest health goals
Contact Information
Laura Schweitzer, Executive Director
Council of Western State Foresters