Trees lined along a wide river


Forest Action Plan

The Significance of Maine’s Forests

Maine has the largest contiguous block of undeveloped forestland east of the Mississippi. Maine’s resilient forests have been harvested for wood products for over 200 years, yet 90% of the state remains forested – the highest percentage in the country and we have largely maintained our forest biodiversity. We also have a long history of multiple-use management on private land and a tradition of free public access to private land.

The Maine Forest Action Plan is a keystone of the Maine Forest Service’s continuing efforts to inform our citizens about the condition of and trends in our forests and forest economy. It draws from a long history of strategic thinking on the issue of how to address Maine’s most important forestry issues. The plan addresses a number of topics, including, but not limited to: criteria and indicators of forest sustainability, threats and opportunities, priority forest areas, and strategies and resources needed to address threats to the state’s forest resources.

Best Management Practices

Maine’s best management practices (BMPs) program is regulated at the local level, but not the state-level. The agency  responsible for BMPs policy development is the Maine Forest Service.

Click here to view the most recent BMPs recommendations on the state forestry agency website.

Click the following links to view available BMP monitoring data and implementation rates from NASF’s 2015 BMP survey and NASF’s 2019 BMP survey.

Maine Forestry Publications

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