Where We Stand

At the outset of each year, members of the NASF Executive Committee set a series of national policy objectives. This year, the top policy priorities for state foresters fall into three buckets:


Image of wildland firefighter


From wildfire prevention to suppression, state forestry agencies play critical roles in managing wildfire nationwide. Did you know that state foresters are responsible for wildfire protection on nearly two-thirds of America’s forested lands?

Image of large deciduous tree

Forest Management

Active forest management is central to the health, productivity, and resiliency of forests. Did you know that without active forest management, many of our forested landscapes are expected to be damaged by wildfire, disease, or pests within the next 20 years?

Image of owl in forest

Forest Action Plans

Every state and territory has a Forest Action Plan that includes in-depth analysis of forest conditions and trends. Collectively, state Forest Action Plans make up one strategic plan for America’s forests. Did you know that all states are in the process of renewing their plans?

Learn more about NASF’s positions

State foresters also publish recommended federal appropriations levels for priority forestry and wildland fire programs annually, as well as policy platforms related to significant federal legislation, such as farm bills.

In addition to developing budget recommendations and platforms on key legislation, state foresters approve resolutions and release policy statements on specific topics on an as-needed basis.

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