Fall foliage in Shawnee State Forest


Forest Action Plan

Sustaining Ohio’s Forests in the Face of Growing Threats

The total area of forest land in Ohio has seemingly stabilized over the last three decades. However, they are going through various changes that affect their characteristics and the benefits they provide, now and into the future. Eighty-five percent of Ohio’s forests are privately owned. An increase in forest landowners and decrease in parcel size is leading to greater forest fragmentation, which can directly impact management and forest benefits like timber production, wildlife habitat, and recreation.

The spread of invasive species further impacts these benefits. The latest statewide forest inventory data also show shifts in species composition and forest structure, with a relative decrease in oak and a strong overall trend of maturing forests. Considering these changes and threats, statewide strategies were developed with an overarching goal of sustaining Ohio’s forests and the many benefits they provide into the future.

Best Management Practices

Ohio’s best management practices (BMPs) program is quasi-regulatory. The agencies responsible for BMPs policy development are the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Forestry, the Ohio Forestry Association, and the Ohio State University Extension.

Click here to view the most recent BMPs recommendations on the state forestry agency website.

Click the following links to view available BMP monitoring data and implementation rates from NASF’s 2015 BMP survey and NASF’s 2019 BMP survey.

Ohio Forestry Publications

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