
Forest Action Plan

Building a better tomorrow for Connecticut’s forests today

Connecticut’s Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy (Forest Action Plan) is a guidance document for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Division of Forestry, and our forest conservation partners in academia, government, extension, and non-profits, as well as municipal and private landowners.

The Action Plan is used to provide a baseline and identify key forest related issues and priorities in Connecticut. The identified issues include maintaining forest health and biodiversity, promoting public forest stewardship, protecting private forest stewardship, supporting a sustainable forest based economy, providing for forest based recreational opportunities, fostering public awareness and support of forests, the importance of forest research, and the role of urban forestry in Connecticut.

A series of Forest Roundtables attended by 260 participants were held in 2009 and 2010 to provide public input for development of strategies to address these forest issues. Visions, principles, and action steps were created, with strong agreement among stakeholders, and will be utilized in determining Division of Forestry and conservation partner strategies.

Best Management Practices

Connecticut’s best management practices (BMPs) program is regulated at the local level, but not the state-level. The agency responsible for BMPs policy development is the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Division of Forestry.

Click here to view the most recent BMPs recommendations on the state forestry agency website.

Click the following links to view available BMP monitoring data and implementation rates from NASF’s 2015 BMP survey and NASF’s 2019 BMP survey.

Connecticut Forestry Publications

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