Forest Action Plan
A collaborative approach to landscape resilience
The New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) Forestry Division and their many partners worked together to create this 2020 New Mexico Forest Action Plan. The plan provides an assessment of the current conditions of our natural resources and sets forth all lands strategies that address key issues in forest and watershed management in a changing climate.
The Agreement for Shared Stewardship strengthens an already solid partnership between the State of New Mexico and USDA Forest Service and establishes the Forest Action Plan as the primary tool to guide co-management of forests and watersheds in the state. The Forestry Division is charged with integrating climate mitigation and adaptation practices related to natural and working lands into state agency operations and promoting forest and watershed management that will help ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of New Mexico’s natural and working lands and reduce the vulnerability of natural resources and communities to climate risks.
Best Management Practices
New Mexico’s best management practices (BMPs) program is quasi-regulatory. The agency responsible for BMPs policy development is the New Mexico State Forestry Division.
Click here to view the most recent BMPs recommendations on the state forestry agency website.
Click the following links to view available BMP monitoring data and implementation rates from NASF’s 2015 BMP survey and NASF’s 2019 BMP survey.