
August 18, 2017

Eclipse 2017 Resources

For the first time in nearly a century, a total solar eclipse will cross the entire United States on August 21, 2017.  A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and blocks the bright light of the Sun’s surface from view. The shadow of the Moon will fall in [read more]

April 21, 2017

Now Accepting Nominations for the 2017 NASF Awards

The Nomination Period is Now Closed. Recognize national-level excellence in forestry! The National Association of State Foresters is now accepting nominations for the 2017 NASF Awards. 2017 NASF Award categories include: Michael Buck Outstanding Service Award for Forest Public Policy Pete Anderson Current Achievement Award for Fire Protection Ken Arney Current Achievement Award for Forest [read more]

December 21, 2016

Save the Date: NASF Annual Meeting September 18-21, 2017

The tree canopy of downtown Charleston, West Virginia will provide a backdrop for the nation's largest gathering of State Foresters, September 18-21, 2017. NASF's 2017 Annual Meeting will be held at the Charleston Marriott Town Center with exceptional opportunities for networking, learning and a technical tour already scheduled. Exhibit booths and sponsorships are available. Reserve your space [read more]

October 3, 2016

Picture the Past: Forest History Photography Project

By Sara Pezzoni Repeat photography is the practice of taking photographs of a specific location at two or more different times. It is a powerful visual resource for scientific study and education in forest and landscape management. From working forests to wilderness areas, such photographic pairs or sequences can help us understand ecosystem processes, and [read more]

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Join us for the 2024 NASF Annual Meeting from September 23rd-26th in Providence, RI!