From the 2019 Partners in Community Forestry Conference

The Partners in Community Forestry Conference is the largest international gathering of urban forestry practitioners, advocates, researchers, and government leaders. This year’s conference in Cleveland, Ohio, was another great gathering focused on urban and community forestry!

Over 500 attendees joined forces for this annual event to partake in all things trees — from planting, care, and management of urban forests to the latest research in the field. Each year, the thinkers, doers, and thought leaders in community forestry are given ample time and space for learning, networking, and sharing:

  • Relevant, practical research findings
  • Best practices — for your trees and your organization
  • Current trends in community forestry
  • All the continuing education credits you need for the year
  • Plenty of fun networking opportunities

In addition to the annual partners conference, other groups and meetings come together around the event:

As part of the conference, attendees were able to take an afternoon and choose a tour of their liking of the Cleveland area. Site tours are always highlights of the meeting and terrific ways to see  U&CF innovations, challenges, and successes in local communities.

As it becomes available more information and details of the presentations at this year’s conference can be found here. Next year’s event will be in Louisville, Kentucky, on November 18-19. We hope to see you there!

Have questions? Reach out to Keith Wood, NASF Urban and Community Forestry Committee staff, at

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Join us for the 2024 NASF Annual Meeting from September 23rd-26th in Providence, RI!