Statement on the Trillion Trees Act (HR 5859)

The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) appreciates the leadership of Representative Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) in introducing the Trillion Trees Act (HR 5859) and recognizing forests and forest markets as environmental and economic solutions.

Trees built America and are a strategic natural resource for meeting future challenges. Forests, forest management, and forest markets all should be part of any proposed climate change solution.

Most (nearly two-thirds) of America’s forests are privately owned. Private landowners need economic incentives to retain forestland, and they need access to professional expertise to manage and protect their forests. Public land managers need all available tools to actively manage forests and address threats that cross boundaries.

NASF looks forward to continuing to work with Rep. Westerman and other congressional leaders in developing bipartisan solutions that help state foresters enhance public benefits from all forests.

Have questions? Contact Communications Director Whitney Forman-Cook at

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