State foresters send letter in thanks to lawmaker behind ESA reform bill

Today, the National Association of State Foresters expressed its appreciation to Senator John Barrasso, chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, for introducing “Endangered Species Act Amendments of 2020,” a bill that would accomplish many of the recommendations found in NASF’s 2020 policy statement, “Improving the Effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act.”

NASF continues to ardently support the intent of the Endangered Species Act (ESA); however, changes are needed to mitigate unintended consequences and improve the law’s effectiveness. Chief among the association’s latest ESA reform recommendations is to expand the role of states in all aspects of ESA implementation. NASF also supports simplifying the processes for entering into voluntary conservation agreements of all types and clarifying the processes for timely delistings.

To read the letter the in full, click below. NASF’s 2020 policy statement on ESA reform is linked above and below as well.

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