WASHINGTON—With the announcement that Sonny Perdue has been confirmed as Secretary of Agriculture, the National Association of State Foresters issued the following statement:
“The National Association of State Foresters looks forward to working with our new Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Through strong partnerships with the Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service, both agencies under the Department of Agriculture, state forestry agencies are helping to implement state and private forestry programs which bolster America’s economy and environment,” said Bill Crapser, NASF president and Wyoming State Forester.
“Forests provide Americans with many public benefits including clean drinking water, places to recreate, wildlife habitat and jobs. Forest products grown on state and private lands help support America’s rural economic backbone. Through the next Farm Bill authorization process, strong support for forestry programs would continue to support private forest landowners who own the majority of America’s forests and help increase employment and grow rural economies through forest management.
“The Farm Bill’s forestry programs can also help protect wildlife habitat, expand opportunities to utilize the Good Neighbor Authority, and codify the important Landscape Scale Restoration program which recognizes the importance of the state Forest Action Plans in land management planning.
“State Foresters look forward to working with Secretary Perdue during this process and over the next few years to conserve, protect and enhance America’s ‘green infrastructure’: trees and forests.”
Media Contact: Amanda Cooke, acooke@stateforesters.org or 202-624-5417