Forest Service designates areas affected by insects, disease

The National Association of State Foresters applauds the Forest Service’s designation of areas affected by insects and disease.

WASHINGTON—The USDA Forest Service (USFS) has designated landscape-scale insect and disease infestation areas on more than 45 million acres of National Forest System lands. The designations are the first step in implementing badly needed management activities to combat the growing threat from insects and disease and mitigate the threats—such as increased fire hazard—that they pose.

As part section 8204 of the Agriculture Act of 2014 (“Farm Bill”), 36 state foresters submitted requests to highlight declining forest health in their area of jurisdiction.

Chris Maisch, Alaska State Forester and president of the National Association of State Foresters (NASF), said today:

“The National Association of State Foresters applauds Chief Tidwell’s announcement of these designations and we urge the USFS to move quickly to in implementing management projects in these areas.  These projects can help meet the overwhelming demand for more active forest management across the National Forest System.

“The chief’s commendable action is the outcome of a bipartisan effort in Congress to give states a voice to highlight the scope and scale of the insect and disease epidemics on USFS lands within their states.  We look forward to working with the USFS and our members to help design and quickly implement land management projects.

“Given limited budget resources and the scope of work state foresters face, we hope the USFS will be able to use authorities provided under the Farm Bill to be more efficient in getting work done in our forests to help us treat more of the acres already impacted and at risk to insect & disease infestations.

“State foresters and their agencies work to protect the clean air and water, wildlife, recreational opportunities, forest products and other benefits provided by America’s forests. Sustainable forest management helps support the social, economic, and ecological values that forests—both public and private—provide.”

Contact: Amanda Cooke, communications director at or 202-624-5417

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