In a letter to the leaders of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, a long list of organizations pledged their support for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (S.3223), introduced in July by Sens. Risch, Manchin, Alexander, and Heitkamp:
We believe this legislation is a key part of a critical solution towards addressing the imminent challenges facing America’s fish and wildlife. Together, our industries represent more than a trillion dollars of economic impact, millions of non-exportable jobs, and tens of millions of members, consumers, and constituents across the country, all who rely on healthy fish and wildlife populations.
The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act will help recover species at risk by authorizing $1.3 billion annually from existing royalty revenues generated by the development of energy and mineral resources on federal lands and waters. The funds will be apportioned to state fish and wildlife agencies (state agencies) to implement proactive conservation programs… leveraged using a twenty-five percent non-federal match.
We further urge Congress to enact the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act with mandatory funding, which would ensure financial certainty to states, and allow them to plan and implement multi-year conservation projects. The House version of this bill, H.R. 4647, includes a dedicated funding mechanism currently.
Our nation has a proud history of addressing massive conservation challenges, including bringing species back from the brink of extinction by helping fund professional fish and wildlife management. This legislation presents the opportunity for Congress to provide future generations of Americans the same opportunities that we have had in our lifetimes to enjoy our treasured natural resources.
Together we can build a brighter economic future that includes conservation of our fish and wildlife and helps sustain our communities. We the undersigned appreciate your consideration of our request for action on this important legislation.
Click here to see the final letter in full.
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