NASF launches Flickr account full of state and private forestry photos

For over a decade, the NASF Foundation has sponsored a photo fellowship program for talented, up-and-coming photographers. To date, these fellows have visited 17 states to capture photos that help tell the compelling story of state and private forestry.

Now the best of the best of these photos are available for download on Flickr, a platform for secure photo sharing. For those unfamiliar with Flickr, this how-to guide on navigating NASF’s Flickr account will help get you started. As of right now, NASF’s photos are “public,” which means they are visible to everyone.

We think more people need to see the great work of state forestry agencies. For this reason, we’re happy for our members and partners to share our photos, just so long as they are:

1. Used with proper photo attribution/credit. NASF photos must be credited to the association and the correct photographer. The appropriate attribution language for NASF-contract photographers is listed in the title of each Flickr photo album. Here’s an example of appropriate attribution for photography by Leslie Robertson: Photo by Leslie Robertson for the National Association of State Foresters.

2. Used in appropriate applications. NASF’s photos may only be used for educational and outreach purposes—this means they may not be used for any non-NASF advocacy work or marketing activities without prior approval from NASF.

If you have any questions about providing proper attribution or whether a photo’s use is in keeping with NASF policy, please contact NASF Communications Director Whitney Forman-Cook at

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