July is a busy month for Smokey in Nebraska

Smokey may be 75-years-old, but he’s shown no signs of slowing down.

The fire prevention expert was on the trail across Nebraska throughout July. Smokey made several appearances to remind folks of the potential for fire danger all around us. Even where we might not always think to look. At the Science and Ag Family Fun Day held at the University of Nebraska’s Haskell Agricultural Laboratory in Concord, Smokey took part in tours, cover crop demonstrations, and Project Learning Tree presentations!

“It’s wonderful to see how kids react when they see Smokey. It’s almost always an instantaneous smile,” said Nebraska Forest Service spokesman Benjamin Bohall. “It’s usually the same for adults. It speaks volumes about how effective his branding and message still are after all of these years.”

This weekend, Smokey will be with Nebraska Forest Service Fire staff at the Lancaster County Super Fair in Lincoln. The fair draws thousands each year, promoting the relationship between agriculture, youth, and community.

You can find a Smokey Bear birthday event near you this summer and fall with a trip to www.SmokeyBear75th.org! There are over 250 events hosted on the site’s interactive map to choose from. 

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