The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) has unveiled the 2016-17 annual report, a look back state and private forestry accomplishments over the past fiscal year.
More than 26,000 employees of state forestry agencies continue to work year round to help keep America's forests healthy and productive. This year's report highlights accomplishments by the nation's 59 State Foresters and their staffs to advance policy, communications, and operations priorities that help protect and enhance America's "green infrastructure": trees.
In a time of unprecedented budgetary and political change, NASF’s work is more important than ever. When this association makes a difference for State Foresters, NASF makes a difference for the public, the environment and the economy. Growing Trees, Growing Jobs is this year's theme which reflects the vital work of State Foresters.
Download the new report today to learn more about accomplishments by members, partners and staff.
Media Contact: Amanda Cooke, 202-624-5417 and