NASF Welcomes USDA Secretary Designee Sonny Perdue

By Ryan Martini

State Foresters congratulate USDA Secretary Designee Sonny Perdue on his nomination.

"The nation’s 59 State and Territorial Foresters that comprise the National Association of State Foresters are poised to work with [Sonny Perdue] in using America’s forested green infrastructure to help make America great again," Bill Crapser, NASF President and Wyoming State Forester, said in a letter sent today to the Secretary Designee Perdue.

In the letter, NASF requests the following actions as part of the Secretary's first 100 days in the Trump Administration:

  • Select leadership in the Natural Resources and Environment area that have an understanding of and appreciation for state and private forest purposes;
  • Work with Congress on our legislative goals including: reforming fire funding, increasing active management on federal lands, and expanding Good Neighbor Authority to allow for states to help implement approved projects on federal lands;
  • Support USDA Forest Service appropriations levels to conserve, protect and enhance state and private forests;
  • Consider NASF’s administrative priorities in the letter that can be accomplished within the first 100 days.

State Foresters look forward to working with Secretary Perdue to improve the health of all of America’s forests and the economies of rural America. Download the letter from NASF President Crapser to Sonny Perdue.

Contact: Amanda Cooke, Communications Director for NASF: 202-624-5417 or

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