Forest Certification

May 1, 2014

Tree City, Ohio

For the 33rd consecutive year, Ohio leads the nation for Tree City USA designations with 244 communities achieving the title this year. The program, which is sponsored by the National Association of State Foresters, the Arbor Day Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the National League of Cities, requires that [read more]

January 13, 2014

Vermont State Forester named chair of panel

Steve Sinclair, State Forester for the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has been named chair of a new Independent Standards Review Panel (ISRP) by the American Tree Farm System System® (ATFS) which will be comprised of a body of 14 forest stakeholders.  The ISRP is charged with reviewing the American Forest Foundation (AFF)’s current [read more]

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