State foresters, allied organizations sign letter of support for Forest Conservation Easement Program

The National Association of State Foresters is among one of 90 organizations to sign a letter of support for the creation of a Forest Conservation Easement Program (FCEP) in the Farm Bill.

FCEP is designed to:

  • Significantly improve and enhance the ability of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to effectively conserve working forests at scale through conservation easements;
  • Prioritize keeping forests as forests continuing to provide a multitude of environmental, economic, and societal benefits;
  • Help landowners restore, enhance, and protect habitat for at-risk species while increasing carbon sequestration; and
  • Provide landowners with two proven options for placing voluntary conservation easements on their land, with one held by the federal government and one held by eligible entities and land trusts.

Click the link below to read the letter in full.

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