By Parker Jones
Today Jim Karels, Florida State Forester and Chair of the NASF Wildland Fire Committee, testified before the United States House of Representatives' Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment.
Along with three other witnesses, Karels provided insight on active forest management techniques and other ways to prevent catastrophic wildfire.
The focus of the hearing was on human health. With more wildfire, there comes more smoke. With states such as Oregon and California being represented in the subcommittee, this issue was of the utmost importance to them.
More than half of the questions were directed at Karels, who represented the association well by stating NASF's stance on active management techniques such as thinning and prescribed burning. Not only did he address active management, he also mentioned a critical need for a wildfire funding fix and an expansion of the Good Neighbor Authority.
With poise, Karels answered questions to the best of his ability. He really knocked it out of the park. NASF would like to thank Jim for dedicating his time to this issue, and encourage you to watch the hearing at the following link:
Read Jim Karels' Responses to Questions for the Record